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Blog > Il rito del Cous cous

Il rito del Cous cous

Il rituale del Cous Cous ci trasporta in un tempo lontano, all'epoca dell'infanzia, quando la mattina presto si andava al porto a prendere il pesce fresco, la cosiddetta "fanteria" misto di pesce locale adatto ad insaporire la zuppa. 


La semola veniva "incucciata" cioè lavorata nella "mafaradda", un recipiente basso di terracotta smaltata e veniva lasciato riposare nella "maidda", l'antica madia. 


Nel frattempo si iniziava la cottura della zuppa di pesce. Si condiva la semola con erbe e spezie, olio di oliva e un pesto fatto con aglio, cipolla, prezzemolo, mandorle, foglie di alloro e scorze di limone. 


Si collocava poi la semola nella "couscoussiera", posta sopra una pentola con acqua profumata con gli stessi aromi. Si sigillava il tutto con un impasto di farina e acqua (metti foto) permettendo in questo modo al vapore di non disperdersi e fuoirscire dalla parte superiore e consentire la cottura della semola. 

La cottura richiedeva pazienza, almeno 90 minuti dal momento in cui il vapore iniziava a fuoriuscire. 


Si filtrava dopo il brodo e completata la cottura della semola, si irrorava con il brodo caldo e lasciato riposare per un'ora nel "lemmo", una bacinella di terracotta smaltata, coperto da una coperta per trattenere il colore. 


Oggi, con lo stesso entusiasmo e lo stesso amore, la preparazione del cous cous risveglia quei ricordi, riconnettendoci a quei preziosi momenti.

914 utenti hanno valutato 4.2/5 su Google

Giovanni Nunziata

The food is good and the portions substantial, the service was great. The location is also quite convenient. Fair prices and fair fresh food, the cous cous is nice. If you are looking for a casual athmospehere and good food and wines without getting scammed, this is the right place for you

a month ago
marchesi team

Simply Beautiful the atomesphere! Modern and rustic at the same time, the servers super sweet and warm, the food we had pasta dishes , the pesto with shrimp is a Must try!, they do pair each dish with specific wines on the menu which is helpful. It is a classy resto, must sit outside as it’s a quiet street not noisy, just Gorgeous! Plus they took 20% off the bill because we had reserved online on the website through Fork. So so Sweet!:)

3 months ago
Pauline Malcouronne

Tucked away from the main street, this place was very welcoming. Food is fresh. The tuna is to die for (see photo)

4 months ago

Every dish we ordered was incredibly delicious. It might be the best restaurant in San Vito lo Capo. The owners were friendly, the service was very good and the ambiance was beautiful. Both outside and inside the restaurant were very nicely decorated and quiet. The portion was very big and tasty. We loved it so much, I wish we hadn't discovered it on the last night.

4 months ago
Luca Mastropasqua

Extremely good quality dishes. We really enjoyed the aubergines caponata and the fish salad as antipasto. The tuna steak was literally melting in your mouth and the couscous with grouper fish was very tasty. The busiate with green pesto and shrimp were excellent. The cannolo scomposto was abundant and really good quality. Service was a bit hasty but friendly.

3 years ago